a day all to yourself in London is a pretty rare treat. What the hell do you do? We’ve been talking to Kaplan, provider of English language courses for people who are living and visiting the capital. They have recently surveyed over 500 of their students about how they would spend their dream day in the Big Smoke.It’s surprising to learn that much of what is on people’s lists is so easy and costs nothing…in fact the highest scoring attraction is totally free, which is hanging out in Hyde Park. Even a walk down Oxford Street, which has about anything anyone could want to buy only costs time…if you’re browsing of course.
The top things on these students lists that would find them digging in their pockets is seeing a West End Show or dropping in at The Royal Albert Hall. Just take a look at the video they have made which sets out a pretty epic dream day in London…how about on your next full day off you try and fit in as much as this as possible.
A Dream Day in London, according to Kaplan students:
Tourist Attraction: Houses of Parliament & Big Ben (18%)
Shopping: Oxford Street (42%)
Park: Hyde Park (45%)
Museum: The British Museum (26%)
Eating Out: Covent Garden (31%)
West End show: MAMMA MIA! (27%)
Live Music Venue: Royal Albert Hall (31%)
Nightlife: Soho (37%)
Every once in a while it’s good to remember that London has so much to offer, its right on your doorstep. If you are interested in learning English check out Kaplan’s website for what type of course are available.