If your work Zoom calls are all getting a bit same-y, and you’ve already exhausted all the fun background options, there’s a new way you can liven things up (and no that’s not by accidentally leaving your microphone on whilst you dish a co-worker a’la Vaughan Gething or camera on whilst you pee – we’ve all seen and cringed at that vid on social). This is taking things to a new level, by adding Billy goat or llama (preferably not in pajamas – we’ve all seen the call rules) to your weekly catch-up. The service, called Goat 2 Meeting, has been created by animal sanctuary Sweet Farm in Silicon Valley as a way for the farm to make up for lost revenue during lockdown.
You can get a 10-minute cameo from goats, llamas, sheep, pigs, cows and other farm animals for $100 or you can have a virtual tour of the farm ($65 for a six-person call or $250 for a corporate meeting). Sounds like a totally legit work expense to us. Now off you go cats and dogs – you’ve had your 5 mins in week one, we’re going full zoo(m) on this one.