admit it, you’ve considered buying that jumper with the elbow patches a few times but haven’t been brave enough to do it. But here it is; Wolf People’s new video is the proof that donning the elbow patches IS cool.When you hear the seductive guitar riffs and imposing drums in ‘When the Fire is Dead in the Grate’, you might not imagine old Super 8 style footage of a man resembling Mighty Boosh’s Howard Moon, rowing down a river on the outskirts of Bedford…but the combination works.
The handheld camera shots, that could rival that of The Evil Dead, make it feel like the video was constructed from old footage of a cult film found in the depths of the internet. This is exactly the vibe the band wanted, self-directing a video that they intended as B-Movie interpretation of the song.
Check out the video and make sure to save your best foot-tapping techniques for the instrumental towards the end.