probably heard the name. MOTH CLUB, well this is Hackneys best new venue showcasing all sorts of exciting new and established music. Our friends at Snap Crackle & Pop have a bit of a shindig going on (Saturday 21st November) with a line up that has us seeing stars.Ten Fe and Desert Sound Colony play live, with a special dj set from D/R/U/G/S AND we’ve got tickets up for grabs for you lot. Further more, it’s not just a golden ticket for you and a mate coming your way, oh no…you’re going to a gig, you’ll want a drink right, well why not have FOUR for FREE! BOOM! Want in on this? A night out to one of the best new venues in London, with a cracking line up and drinks all for what, nothing? HELLO! Drop us an email with ‘SCP @ MOTH CLUB’ in the subject and we’ll pick two winners. Now dig this!
Sat 12th Novmenber 2015, 8pm
MOTH CLUB, Valette Street, Hackney, E9 6NU
Terms & Conditions
Entrants must be 18 or over
Entering this competition will sign you up to the weekly LOTI newsletter
This competition will close Friday 20th November 2015 at noon.