trend that is becoming more and more popular these days is throwing your own dinner party with the aid of your own personal Chef. La Belle Assiette provides that experience giving you access to all manner of quality chefs helping you rediscover the pleasure of entertaining at home.La Belle Assiette has teamed up with Berlin based tech company Bonaverde, who invented the world’s first roast-grind-brew coffee machine, transforming raw, green coffee beans into black coffee, in one single swipe. Clever that. Together La Belle Assiette and Bonaverde have created a special Coffee&Dine experience, a coffee inspired meal prepared by your very own private chef in the comfort of your home for 6 people. Plus you also get your very own roast-grind-brew coffee machine to keep and enjoy. WINNING.
Fancy getting in on this? To enter simply head over here, fill out your details and BOOM you are in the draw. With the warmer weather hitting London Town you could be hosting a pretty special evening in your own little space at home. Now all you need to do is work on the guestlist…
This competition closes Friday 8th May 2015