may have noticed on our social media feeds over the last few weeks that we’ve been back at school every Monday night to learn all about WINE. A subject that’s close to our hearts we thought it high time that we learnt a bit more about the stuff, so we signed ourselves up for the Level 2 Wine and Spirits award at the WSET School on Bermondsey Street. The WSET offers a range of courses from its London base (it’s a global organisation) ranging from one day tastings to full on professional qualifications if you’re considering a career in wine. If like us, you’re just curious to learn more or want to be able to show off some wine skills at the dinner table then we reckon the Level 2 course, which takes you from complete novice to semi-wine buff in 9 weeks, is perfect.The first lesson teaches you all about how to taste and talk about wine – yes you’ll be waxing lyrical about lychee and ripe stone fruits in no time! – before explaining the basics of wine production and style. As the course progresses so does the depth of knowledge with major grape varieties, sparkling wines, sweet wines and global production areas all covered. Soon enough you’ll really start to know your Chablis from your Australian Chardonnay and what all those long words on French wine labels mean. Not since Uni have we sat in a classroom in front of a teacher and projector, furiously scribbling notes but all the tutors are amazing (see our profile of Jim Gore here) and really help to present everything in an entertaining way so it’s not just a straight up 2 hour lecture each week. Best of all you also try 6 wines each and every week (spitting optional!) and we made some great discoveries, getting a little drunk along the way, and came out with some amazing new favourites.
Week 9 is a pretty difficult exam – our results are in the post – after which you will hopefully have your Level 2 certificate to hang above the mantelpiece. We absolutely loved our time at WSET school and would totally recommend it for anyone looking to learn some more about the world of wine. Level 3 here we come….
39-45 Bermondsey Street London SE1 3XF