There are already lots of places you can do zero-waste shopping, with some of these stores even offering local delivery options, but new platform Loop has scaled this up by offering the country’s first waste-free grocery service featuring leading brands. Already running in the States and France, with expansion to Australia, Japan and Canada planned for next year, Loop is taking zero-waste grocery shopping mainstream by offering items from the likes of Heinz, Persil, Coca-Cola and Danone in reusable packaging,
The process is pretty simple. You shop online from Loop, paying for the contents of the items and providing a refundable deposit for the packaging. Your order gets delivered in a waste-free tote bag and when you’re done with the products, you put the packaging back into the tote and schedule a free pick-up from your home (or you can drop them off at a designated point), so it can be cleaned and reused. Once your containers have been returned, the deposits get credited to your account so you can use that money for your next order.
It’s an online-only service at the moment but in partnering with Tesco, Loop is planning to bring the reusable products into stores so you can easily incorporate zero-waste into your regular shops.