Fancy a xmas meal that differs from the usual Turkey and the trimmings? Then check out Too Much is Never Enough (from the guys behind the Disappearing Dining Club), a four course exploration of 123 Bethnal Green Road, a Grade II Victorian house with a fashion concept store located inside.
Each floor is a course and it begins in Menswear, a second floor East End boys club that tells the story of Moderne Buckles, the previous occupiers of 123, and front for a network of illegal gun suppliers. After welcome cocktails, mini-Winter Soups and Potted Meats it’s on to Ladieswear for the mains.
Ladieswear is an elegantly dressed boudoir with antique nudes, vintage erotica and a huge sharing table with giant, cast iron hot pots of Coq au Vin, Cassoulet and Vegetable Stews.
Desserts are in the Bunker Cafe with Hot Doughnuts, Spiced Rum & Mince Pies, Cheeses and dessert cocktails with drinking, DJs and late night fun till midnight.
Too Much is Never Enough lasts about 3 hours and costs £50 for three courses and four drinks. Open every Tue/Wed/Thu from Nov 22nd until Dec 22nd it’ll certainly be an ice-breaker for those awkward chrimbo parties!
Book on: 07432833039, or pop into 123 Bethnal Green Road.