When plucky young contestants on talent shows such as The X-Factor boldly announce they’re going to be taking on a Whitney Houston classic as their audition song, it’s largely met with synchronised face-palms and eye rolls even more damning than Simon Cowell’s. Only once in a blue moon does an artist appear with the vocal gymnastics and rich tones necessary to belt out bangers such as ‘I Have Nothing’, or even ‘I Will Always Love You.’
But Whitney fans can let out a sigh of relief, as Belinda Davis is one of those rare stars that can actually pull it off – beating out 15,000 hopefuls in her dream of channelling the glittering pop sensation in a new show, ‘The Greatest Love of All’. Currently touring the world, the acclaimed tribute performance will arrive at London’s Hammersmith Apollo on Tuesday 17th April.
A celebration of Houston’s life and work, the show spans the legend’s extraordinary 40-year career featuring Belinda’s flawless vocals, a 30-piece orchestra and a troupe of dancers coming together for hits such as “I Wanna Dance With Somebody”, “How Will I Know”, and “Didn’t We Almost Have it All”. Whitney fans, start warming up your vocals, because this one is guaranteed to hit all the right notes.
[maxbutton id=”173″] Tues 17th April 2018, 8pmHammersmith Apollo, Queen Caroline Street