After releasing their critically acclaimed debut in 2012, Django Django are back with the lead from their forthcoming second album, which somehow manages to sound like an indie rock track from the Beach Boys. Intrigued? You should be, it’s bloody brilliant.
An upcoming duo from The Netherlands – which is a little jarring considering their name – Nick Klein have completely caught us off guard with Paralyzed. This is the first track to be taken from their forthcoming EP and what’s more – it’s free to download now. Keep an eye out for these two, one of the best tracks this week thanks in part to its inspired use of percussion.
Leicester-based band Lusts latest effort pulls inspiration from bands such as Spandau Ballet and Duran Duran, roughs up sound, and twists it into a perfect blend of 80’s pop and modern indie rock.
2.54 | CREST
Up for another guitar-driven track, this time from British duo 2:54. Crest, an angsty, punk-rock anthem taken from their album The Other I, feels like the perfect track to listen to as you aggressively push elderly women and young children out of your way during your inevitably depressing January London commute.
With the popularity of Uptown Funk in the UK right now, it seems like 2014’s disco revival is here to stay, especially thanks to the arrival of Tuxedo’s latest track Do It. A straight up slice of disco-laced funk, Do It is expected to lead a full album later on in the year, so we’re expecting great things…