been out for cocktails with your mates and thought that Cosmo was a bit too sweet for your liking? Then this is the pop-up for you. The UK’s first savoury cocktail bar. Oh yes, that is a chilli con carne cocktail. Too much? Then how about the plum spring rolls flavour, or fish and chips option? DELISH…right?Running for two evenings only the pop-up marks the launch the new Cracker Crisps range AND what’s more the Jacob’s Snacktail Bar will be absolutely free. That’s right, three FREE cocktails per person – or should that be snacktails. Guess that’s dinner taken care of as well as an afterwork drink.
19 Greek Street, Soho, London, W1D 4DT
Thurs 9th July 7.30pm – 11pm & Fri 10th July 5pm – 11pm