history, many people have prophesied the end of the world, perhaps none more famously than the ancient Maya civilisation of Central America. Their calendar system had a very specific end date of December 21st 2012 after which the world would cease to exist and so superstitious people around the world are currently preparing for their last month on Earth.Every prediction about the end of the world has so far been wrong, but you can never be too sure, so just in case the apocalypse does come in the next three weeks, we better make the most of our remaining days. One organisation that understand just how important our remaining days are is the Last Supper Club who are organising events to help you see out the planet in style.
From 6th to 9th December, they will be hosting The Salvation Menu as Noah invites you to board his ark of salvation. The Platterform chefs with special guest Bonito Daniels will be reworking historic Middle Eastern cuisine for your last supper. From 11th until 16th you are invited to join the Mayan Prophet’s Feast created by the Platterform team with guest chef Luis Michel as they create traditional Mayan cuisine, for lovers of Mexican and latin American flavours. This event will be a huge celebration as the 5,126 year old Mayan calendar reaches it’s conclusion.
Finally – and we mean literally in this case – will be the Doomsday Diner, open from Tuesday 18th until Friday 21st December when it, like the rest of the world, will be permanently closed for business. DJ BBQ will be serving your last meal of smoked and grilled meats for one last night of hedonistic decadence. we can’t guarantee that it will save your soul, but you can have fun trying. With only 100 lucky punters admitted per night, booking ahead is essential.
Reserve a space by emailing but don’t leave it too late – the clock is ticking. Tickets are £35 each.
Thurs 6th Dec – Fri 21st Dec
89 and a half, Worship Street, EC2A 2BF