We’ve been championing The Ethical Butcher for a long time, ever since we first wrote about its crowdfunding scheme in January 2019. We were very excited about the prospect of quality carbon-neutral meat being delivered to our homes and, in the current climate, The Ethical Butcher is even better.
We made an order with The Ethical Butcher and we were seriously impressed with the service. We ordered on Wednesday night and it was delivered to us on Thursday afternoon, by a man dressed as a butcher no less! We could see by the labels exactly which farms the meat had come from and also that everything had been packed for us that very morning.
Aside from the incredible service, this is some of the best meat you can buy in the UK, and is as friendly on the environment as can be. Animals are reared humanely and using methods to reduce the carbon footprint, and of course everything comes in environmentally friendly compostable packaging. Many of the farmers have even measured a net loss of carbon as a result of the methods they employ, improving soil health and combating climate change. When it comes to eating meat, you can’t say fairer than that.