seventh Diner opened up shop in Spitalfields Market last month and offers something a little different, serving it’s very own brews in the form of ‘Hard Teas’…wink, wink, nod nod, wanna cup of tea!The new digs look the part alright, slick and fancy bringing not only the taste of New York but the look and feel too. Booth or bar you are on the set of a movie and theirs no shortage of action going on.
On the tea front there are four infusions. The Peach Cobbler for those sweet toothed people, The G & Tea, get it for the gin-lovers, Cherry Pie for a sugar-fix and finally Red Slushy if you just love a slush puppy…
Fancy checking it out? Then you might be interested in The Diner competition to win one of their Survival Hampers. Packed full of their classic American treats The Diner’s Boxing Day Survival Kits will save you from the stress and stodgy food of Boxing Day! WHOOP!
Simply tweet @thedinertweets with #boxingdaysorted and tell them how many customers you think The Diner served in 2013 for a chance to win…yule be a fool to miss out!
The Diner, 4 Horner Square, Old Spitalfields Market, London, E1 6EW