November Movember, for what do I always remember, to growith a tash, for as long as it lasts, so that prostate can keep off my member! We’ve just come up with that…So yes back once again for the renegade master, D4 damager, power to the people, Movember is about get ‘FREAKY’ as tashes descend all over London Town and beyond. To aid Mo growers and champion the cause is The Best A Mo Can Get, returning for a second year who with the help of Gillette have set up a barbershop.
That means free lip trims for all Mo Bros, seven days a week all month long and a new home for MEN with all manner of gentlemanly distractions. We’re not just talking Babestation 24/7…there’s none of that We’re talking foosball, comedy nights, Motivational evenings, acoustic performances and PlayStation Games Nights with the chance to get to grips on the new Play station 4. Huzzah!
Get involved and ‘help change the face of men’s health’. Here whats coming up;
Film night- Monday 4th November
Comedy Night – Tuesday 5th, 12th , 19th & 26th November
Man Motivational evenings- Wednesday 6th, 13th & 20th November
Playstation 4 Games night – Monday 11th & 25th November
Music Gigs- Thursday 14th , 21st & 28th November
The Best A Mo Can Get Barbers
7 Earlham St, Seven Dials, London, WC2H 9LA