of the best things about London is the bevy of amazing new restaurants opening up on a weekly basis. Best for your tastebuds that is, not so good for your new years resolution to try and get a bangin’ summer bod.Lucky then, that we’re going to let you know about Stott Pilates. Available at the lush Stanley House Hotel & Spa in Lancashire, the Stott Pilates method is a contemporary approach to the original style you know (and like us, probably a little bit addicted to).
Using a Carilac Trapeze table, which includes leg and arm springs, loops to hang on to and a push-through bar for stretching, this method works out every muscle in your body, including a number you didn’t know existed. And gives you the perfect excuse to visit Stanley House where you’ll have a backdrop of the stunning Lancashire countryside, grand country bedrooms and a top notch spa to retreat to once you’ve tested out the equipment.
Because there is no way bikini fear is stopping us from having our cake/duffin/cronut and eating it too.
The Spa at Stanley House