McCabe of the Zutons is no more. We now have McCabe & the Ramifications, visiting from an alternate dimension of time and space (Liverpool circa 2099) to deliver their future sound to all unsuspecting music freaks. Lead single Time & Space, from his forthcoming debut album on 1965 records, zips around with an awesome rock chorus teleported into the mix, and strangely, sits comfortably next to the menacing vocoder. It’s electro of the Bambaataa/Rephlex persuasion. It’s all 808s, synth basslines, and squiggly acid lines. Its sho’ nuff got the electro funk.The album has a theme, the video is lo-fi rural sci-fi, and Dave McCabe is sporting a metallic sheen that says C3PO with a beard and ruffle. It all adds up to a playfully weird set-up that should make the forthcoming dates a blast … from the past and future.
20th London Electrowerkz
23rd Manchester Deaf Institute
24th Liverpool Sound City