would appear that this summer it’s all about es spaniol! Not satisfied with winning the Euro, these sexy señoritas are set to take over the UK, well London anyway, next weekend with there bloody good food and bloody tasty wine at the Rioja Tapas Fantasticas festival.The free entry festival held on the Southbank promises some of the “most mouth watering tapas” that London has to offer. Spanish restaurants across the capital including our favourite Ibérica, Jose, Copita and Camino are all hosting stalls. There will also be plenty of stalls fully stocked with red, white and rosé wines from some of Rioja’s most famous vineyards. And as if drinking Spanish wine and eating tapas wasn’t enough, you can also get stuck in with the cookery demonstrations by José Pizarro and wine tasting workshops held by wine experts Olly Smith and Susy Atkins.
You will need to buy tokens on entry which can be exchanged for samples from any of the 40 restaurants and wineries. Loose the Euro gloom and get your ass down there! You never know you might even bag yourself a sexy senor/senorita these whilst you’re there.
Sat 14th July, 12pm – 8pm
Sun 15th July, 12pm – 6pm
Potters Fields Park, Tooley Street/The Queens Walk, Southwark, SE1