returns to The Queen of Hoxton later this month to bring an authentic woodland to, erm, East London…As usual there’s the a gigantic barbecue grill sound-tracked to woodland sounds and an outside bar covered in vines that makes a selection of specially-made cocktails and drinks including Hot Buttered Rum, the Bake-Off inspired Mary Berry and – our favourite – Grandma’s Whiskers.What’s more, as a bonus this year, WigWamBam is offering special “Drink and Do” workshops, which include an origami event, a cider tasting evening and even an astronomy pop-up class. So there’ll be no more, twinkle, twinkle little star how I wonder what you are’ will they?
Fri 31st October 2014 – End March 2015
1 Curtain Road, London, EC2A 3JX