There’s Priceless website for one of the two tours that take place each Friday. We went up and as you can see from our pics it’s a pretty spesh view.
nothing quite like doing something a bit different in London is there? Something that’s a little bit special. Well then how about a sneak peek of the Royal Festival Hall including a trip to the roof which has stunning views and is usually closed to Joe Public? And how about if it was free? Even better. But there is one catch, you will need a MasterCard. Got one? Then all you need to do is register on theAnd there’s more…holders also get 2-for-1 drinks every Friday at the Level 5 Balcony Bar and Terrace at Southbank Centre and 2-for-1 tickets on the first Friday of every month at the Hayward Gallery which includes the Carsten Holler exhibition now showing with *THAT* slide. Then there’s the Room for London, the one bed hotel room in the boat marooned on the roof of the Southbank Centre. MaterCard holders have the chance to not only win a stay in the room but also win dinner cooked for them in the boat. We can vouch it’s definitely different from your usual hotel restaurants and will make your friends #WELLJEL. Or you could invite them as there are six places.
Want in on this money can’t buy experience AND a whole host more? Then bag yourself a MasterCard and sign up. You can thank us after…