all battling through the elements at the moment, hats on, scarves out and where has that other bloody glove gone now.? How annoying…they do have a tendency to just scurry off on their own free will in search of god knows what, leaving us glove-less and freezing…Well lucky for us, Nokia have teamed up with Glove Love to give away, you guessed it FREE gloves in their #NokiaGloveLove glove amnesty on Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd January in central London. So everyone with one silly, lonely glove let us all unite and trade them in for a new and complete matching pair. Be quick as it is only the first 200 people who donate will get a FREE pair.
Go on, feel the glove…
21st Jan 2014, 9am – 9pm – Westfield Shopping Centre, Shepherd’s Bush
22nd Jan 2014, 9am – 7pm – Old Truman Brewery, Elys Yard