New Year, New Skin at re:lax

re:lax is making it easy to set (and stick to) some skincare resolutions

After three weeks of having great skin in tropical temperatures on a trip to Cambodia, a week of cold weather and central heating in London had my skin feeling like a piece of sandpaper. In desperate need of hydration, I took myself off to re:lax, a new(ish) spot in Borough Yards, for a Signature Facial.

The salon was founded by Katie White, an expert facialist and nutritional therapist, which really sets the tone for the treatments. The Signature Facial is adapted to suit your skin’s specific needs, making each treatment completely bespoke. My skin was treated to a mix of masks, micro-needling, high-frequency and an intraoral buccal massage – which sounds much weirder than it is. Although thinking about it, maybe a therapist in sterile gloves massaging the inside of your mouth is actually pretty out there. My therapist Victoria had magic hands; the massage on my neck, shoulders and head was genuinely one of the best I’ve ever had. 

When I left my face felt tighter, super hydrated and refreshed – I swear I looked younger. I vowed then and there to get them every 4-6 weeks as recommended. Victoria also sent over a huge email of tips and videos on how to look after my skin, something I’ve always slacked on. Could this be the start of a new year, new me? Let’s see…

Key Information

Address | 25 Dirty Lane, Borough Yards, London, SE1 9PA
For more information |
