it comes to showing your affection to a loved one, how do you do it? A romantic gesture…A moon pig card…A text? The digital age has kind of ruined the old school charm of hand writing a personal message hasn’t it?Well fear not this V Day there is help at Full Stop where a Love Letter Writing Corner pop-up can help you rediscover the long-forgotten art of penning a romantic note. We are no stranger to writing romantic notes, quite often we’ll leave a little post-it note out on the fridge for our loved one, ‘Pick up bin bags’ OK we might need a refresher too…
There will be luxury stationary, lover letter inspiration and tips from a romance novelist so that you can nail that V Day note and it won’t cost you a thing either.
The Love Letter Writing Corner marks the DVD release of Ain’t Them Bodies Saints and is open all this week from noon at Full Stop…get in there and get steamy!
Mon 10th Feb – Fri 14th Feb, 12pm – 8pm
Full Stop. 202 Brick Lane, Shoreditch, London, E1 6SA