In the week that some of us ventured back to the gym, we caught up with Corinne Naomi (online PT, Programme Manager and Trainer at Fiit) to get an insight into her trusted home workout routine, the number one track on her playlist and what’s top of her to-do list now that London is getting back to normal…
Tell us about your morning routine
I’m an early riser, so I wake up at 5:30 and the first thing I do is make a cinnamon latte, it’s part of my morning ritual! Then I’ll do a little bit of stretching/mobility, life admin and mentally prepare for the day ahead. After that I usually train a couple of PT clients online or teach a group class on Zoom (Pilates, HIIT or Barre) all before starting my day job at Fiit.
What has been your ‘go to’ home workout?
I am all about cross training, so I didn’t have one go to workout. Instead I tend to choose my workout based on my mood or how my body is feeling that day. I’ll either design a workout for myself, or if I need some external motivation I’ll choose one from the hundreds of classes on the Fiit app (it is so much easier to do cardio when another trainer is shouting at me)!
What are the essentials in your gym bag?
I keep it very simple – my absolute number one are my headphones. As well as that I’ll make sure I have a sweat towel, water and deodorant!
Who or what kept you motivated during lockdown?
For me it was having regular catch ups with my peers in the fitness industry, such as my good friend Jermaine Johnson. Being in lockdown has also given me more time to explore other fitness content online, so that has inspired me to keep trying new things, adapting my style and innovating my own practice.

What song or album gets you through a killer workout?
Haha ok, this is a REALLY big question. I genuinely couldn’t possibly give one album or song as it depends on what type of workout I am doing. My music taste is very eclectic, so I can get just as much energy from listening to Classical or Jazz during Pilates as I do from listening to Deep House or a 90s R&B throwback during a HIIT session. If I’m doing a strength workout and DNA by Kendrick Lamar comes on then just know that I WILL be giving you an extra 10 reps. Kendrick’s energy and passion is electrifying!
What’s the best thing a client has said to you?
A client recently told me that they have decided to become a Pilates instructor because they love my classes so much. I am so keen to encourage people to be curious and explore movement, so knowing that I was the catalyst in someone’s journey to become an instructor makes me feel really proud.
What makes London home?
I love how much there is to explore in London. In ‘normal’ times there’s such a buzz, there’s so much variety and there’s always something going on, no matter what it is that you’re interested in. Whenever I leave London I am always shocked at how much I miss the hustle and bustle and miss having the option and ease to do whatever it is that I want.
Where is the first place you want to go in London when lockdown completely lifts?
A Ballet or Contemporary Dance class with a live musician – dance is my background and music is LIFE, so I can’t wait for this. Then later that day I’m going to go to afternoon tea with a loved one, it’s something I haven’t done before so I want to tick it off my bucket list. I’m not sure where yet, but maybe somewhere boujee…
Any final words for us to live by
Life is too short not to try, so if you have an idea, explore it and see where it takes you!
Follow Corinne on Instagram for more positive energy and workout tips, or experience one of her renowned classes on the Fiit App.