must be said, watching classic films in an array of quirky venues satisfies our thirst for nostalgia, coolness and popcorn, BUT! if you’re a true cineaste (or just love all things FREE) then there are more and more free film festivals popping up all time, showing documentaries, shorts, and films that go way beyond Hollywood, and are more about personal creativity, community and originality.The London Fields Free Film Festival takes place 23rd Oct- 1st Nov 2015. It’s in its second year, and is being curated by individual curators and film clubs, featuring topics such as community, passion, sexuality, gender and horror. A real mixed bag, like the sweet and salt popcorn you love chomping on.
Of course, with the festival falling on All Hallows Eve there will be some horror being splashed around. ‘Horror Hareem’ – a weekend of female starring horror films, will close the festival, courtesy of The Bechdel Test Festival.
It’s free at locations including The London Fields Fitness Studio and The Chapel in Bethnal Green. If you feel in the least bit inspired after attending, then join up for next year They’ll be needing volunteers, coz that’s how they roll.
Fri 23rd October – Sun 1st November