London Fields Brewery has turned One. Can you adam and Eve it? To celebrate their first Birthday they will be closing early and putting their feet up to watch the telly. Ooh we didn’t have you for a second did we? Nope there will be, and if you will excuse our language, a big F**K OFF party. This Saturday at their Pop-Up, The Brewhouse there will be live music and a special birthday menu from The Dead Dolls club, a brand new ale, brewed especially for the occasion aptly named ‘Celebration Rye Saison’ and you can try their best selling ales that are normally only available in cask and bottle as they get put on keg.
Join in the fun, drink beer, eat, drink beer, dance, drink beer, be sick, drink beer, apologise, drink beer, go home, wake up, forget everything, do it all again. Live for the weekend. We’re only kidding, please do drink, dance and eat responsibly.
We popped in a couple of weeks ago, it was ace, try the burger it’s epic!
Saturday 11th August
The BrewHouse, adjacent arches on 369 and 370 Helmsley Place E8