Following an acclaimed, Tony Award-winning run on Broadway, the Rodgers & Hammerstein classic has transferred to the Palladium Theatre, with three of the original Lincoln Center Theater lead actors reprising their roles including Kelli O’Hara and Ken Watanabe. Set in 1860s Bangkok, the musical tells the story of the unconventional and tempestuous relationship that develops between the King of Siam and Anna Leonowens, a British schoolteacher whom the King brings to Siam to tutor his many wives and children. The mood is set from the moment you enter the house, with a gorgeous front curtain made from 250 metres of gold leaf, and moving set pieces that dazzle without ever feeling overworked. The show is beautifully acted and sung, with each of the performers bringing depth to characters that can easily fall into the trap of feeling one-dimensional and stereotypical.