The Horse Hospital’s Salon No.106 is all about London’s secret societies, the context behind their history and what they can tell us about contemporary society. The featured speakers will be David Barrett, author of The New Believers, A Brief History of Secret Societies, and A Brief Guide to Secret Religions, and Alan Walker, who teaches religion at Florida State University. Barrett will take a look at both the myths and the real history behind the United Grand Lodge of England (the home of Freemasonry) as well as other London-based cults such as the Hell Fire Club and The Order of the Golden Dawn. And Walker will examine a classic from Elliot O’Donnell (author and famous ghost enthusiast), Strange Cults and Secret Societies of Modern London, and how it relates to today’s religious cults, moral panics and fascination with the esoteric.
Thurs 28th September 2023, 7pm – 9pm
The Horse Hospital, Colonnade, Bloomsbury, London WC1N 1JD