summer around the corner (hopefully) we all tend to get a bit health and fitness conscious this time of year. So what better way than to talk to a LDNER who knows more about this stuff than we do. This week’s LDNER has ran a six day race covering 250km of the vast and unforgiving Sahara desert…we think we’ll stick to the park. Here to give us tips on activities, health and wellbeing is the founder of sport matching site Voopy, Alix.Tell us where you live and what you love about the area?
Home is Ladbroke Grove! I always find myself discovering something new. I recently stumbled upon a marshmallow stand called the Marshmallowist which offers strawberry and basil marshmallows. And, what’s great is the Notting Hill Carnival every year in August! It’s full of amazing costumes, smells (bbq’d jerk chicken) and floats pumping out the loudest base that I can feel my whole flat shaking.
Tell us what you do for a living?
I run a web platform called voopysport.com that gets the people of London exercising whatever their ability, sport preference and budget. The goal of the website is to encourage everyone to get involved and boost their fitness levels, whether it’s through yoga, martial arts, running or racket sports. VoopySport.com allows you to either find a sports class or a training partner and there’s plenty to choose from; the site currently lists over 3000 classes per week across London and 44 different sports. Our aim is to connect local people and places.
What is you exercise routine and where in London is good for exercising?
I’ve actually started running again recently so I’m doing 10km’s every 2 days and pilates in between to make sure that I’m strengthening my core. I especially like the classes with the Reformer machines, What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! What I love about London is the various places you can train, whether indoors or at the park, from bootcamp over yoga to martial arts there’s something for everyone and this is what we capture on VoopySport.
Some of the up and coming sports/areas I would recommend are Hyde Park’s Rotten Raw, a sand based area that’s great to give you more resistance when running and your knees get to have a rest from concrete. In terms of indoor, Hot Pod yoga offers public and in office Vinyasa yoga classes! In a matter of seconds, their pop up studio inflates and you are welcomed in a gently lit 37° Celsius studio. The market for online workouts is expanding and such platforms like Sleek Technique allow you to train when you are away from home via video conferencing.
You must watch what you eat, so where do you go for healthy food…and what’s the naughty treat you let you have yourself?
In general, I’m fairly sensible and make sure I have all the nutrients I need. I really like going to Planet Organic for a Raw Superfruit smoothie (apple juice, acai, mixed red fruits) and Daylesford Organic for a roast chicken but I also like to occasionally indulge with some French fries and a hot strawberry bubble tea from Lakwatsa on Blenheim Crescent.
What would be your perfect day in London?
A game of tennis followed by a random tour of London on a Barclays bike to a brunch place such as Raoul’s on Talbot road. The Eggs Royale are fantastic. Then, I would catch up with some techy, fashion and current affairs reading and get ready to dance the night away with friends.