You SCREAM LONDON Gallery and owned by Jamie Wood, the son of musical legend Ronnie Wood. Scream Editions celebrated the world of both established and up and coming artists from around the globe. We got to throw a few questions at Jamie to find out more about Scream London…
might have come across the rather cool images from The Scream Editions Series, which is curated byWhere in London do you live and what do you like about that area?
Actually, I live in a shady corner of suburbia called Surrey! I love London but with four kids I moved out of the Big Smoke a while back. For my sins I’ve got a 2 hour drive into the gallery every day (there’s no trains!) but I need to be in the West End to keep my sanity. When I last lived in London proper it was Richmond, already looking for some green space. You think it’s all posh houses and polite families but actually there’s a lot of craziness that goes on behind those curtains!
Tell us about Scream Editions and what people can expect to find using it?
Scream Editions comes from the buzz that I used to get selling my Dad’s print editions. There was something about the accessibility and speed of dealing in print editions that I never got from original art – you’re getting in front and in the homes of so many more people! That’s the whole thinking behind Scream Editions and our new project, Scream Creations. I’ve never understood the boundaries that some people throw up around art and am much happier for people to discover and enjoy our art any way they want. It’s also about getting our artists as much exposure as possible and connecting them to people that otherwise might never discover them.
Who are your favourite artists that have featured on Scream Editions?
My personal collection is quite a mix of 20th century originals and contemporary pieces. Maybe it’s more an indication of my art dealing skills than my taste in art but it’s the older (and more expensive!) investments that are gathering dust in various storerooms and the original artworks and prints from contemporary artists are the ones actually hanging up at home. It’s turning into a bit of a problem buying art from myself at the gallery! Cassandra Yap is a particular favourite at the moment with some beautiful boxes of 50 pin-ups printed on goose feathers. She’s a bit of a new name but looking to be big for 2016. Her print editions are equally as amazing. Other firm favourites are gallery friends David Shillinglaw and Remi Rough who both still work on great outdoor murals across the globe but with very collectable original and print artworks too.
How does London inspire what you do…are there any particular places/brands you draw inspiration from or are influenced by?
I love the buzz of Oxford Street and the crazy speed of it all. Then you’ve got the relative calm and culture of Fitzrovia hiding just behind it. I’d love to be able to move the gallery out of Eastcastle Street and right into the thick of it to see people’s reaction. You don’t see much of it these days but I also like the grit of London, places like Kings Cross or Old Street where you’d see street art before the term even existing, certainly before people started chipping it off the walls and selling it at Sothebys. Around Red Church Street in Shoreditch is still a good place to see street art plus some pretty cool boutique shops. A lot of the artists we represent have a connection to street art but it doesn’t necessarily define them – it’s more a reaction to the environment around them. Nocturnal London is another piece of urban grit that I was fascinated by, all the strange and wonderful characters coming out once the sun went down. Okay, who am I kidding, that hasn’t been me for a while! But London’s changing so much too!?
What have you got coming up?
Remi Rough had his first solo exhibition in London for six years at Scream last year and we have him back in the gallery for his new book launch in mid March and then co-curating a rather special group show with us in April. I’m not sure if I’m allowed to tell you any more! We’ve also been putting a lot of work into our new project, Scream Creations. Ha, it all sounds very Remi focused but we’ve now got a hand-woven carpet by him that looks absolutely stunning – it’s all about getting people to approach art in different ways and is easily as exciting seeing an original artwork on the floor as on a wall.
What would be your perfect day in London?
I’m on a bit of a health trip at the moment so the perfect start to the day would be throwing that completely out the window and having a big fry up. Maybe Cafe Bruno in Wardour Street or the Regency Cafe for some greasy glamour and then a walk around some Chelsea galleries. I much prefer finding things myself than being told where to go and what artists to see. If it’s my one night a month to have a drink (I’m generally teetotal these days) I might finish off at the Artesian bar around the corner or steak and frite at Goodmans but equally it could be a Maccy Ds in the back of a cab on my way to see Arsenal.
Interested in some new works of art, check out SCREAM LONDON.