week’s Londoner is JJ Goodman life long bartender and founder of The London Cocktail Club. We’re ALL about cocktails and we’re trying to be a little bit healthier so having heard he recently teamed up with Curry PC World to create some healthy concoctions we thought we’d asking him a few questions…How long have you lived in London? Where and why?
I love London! So much so I named my business after it. I was 20 when I arrived from the Midlands and I haven’t looked back.
You started the LCC so obvs know you’re cocktails. How did LCC start?
I wanted to fuse together my favourite forms of bartending. I love a party, and I love a perfectly mixed drink. There was nowhere doing both, so I took it on myself to launch a party bar that also harnesses mixology.
Everyone’s on a health kick at the minute and we see you recently teamed up with Currys PC World. We love cocktails and we do wanna get healthy. Can you tell us more about the partnership?
Health and drinking aren’t all ways a match made in heaven, but using fresh fruit and other ingredients by mixing them yourself lets you know exactly what you’re putting into your drinks. And there are also different ways to make your favourite cocktails. I teamed up with Currys PC World to inspire the nation to get creative in the kitchen by using some of your kitchen staples, including a soup maker and a Nutribullet to make my favourite drinks. You then also have the power to pick your own sweeteners etc so you can drink with confidence and make sure that you’re creating a healthier cocktail.
Can you give us one recipe to make at home using our Nutribullet?
Yes of course. One of the ones I created for Currys PC World is the Devil’s Detox. It’s a cocktail perfect for those wanting to detox without giving up the party. With the green tea acting as a strong antioxidant and agave syrup containing saponins useful for immune system-boosting, this concoction will keep you energised and rejuvenated as you dance the night away.
Finally what would your perfect day in London be?
Morning run around the lake on Regent’s Park gets my day started, often followed by bagels and Dan’s brew americano coffee at tower 47 Camden. Then followed by shopping in Camden vintage stables market, it’s a fun way to wander around before it gets busy. Lunch at J Sheeky’s oyster bar – the croquettes are addictive! Possibly a matinee at the arts theatre then a stroll through Soho to Carnaby St on the hunt for trainers, or Liberty if I’m feeling flush. From there LCC for 2 for £12 happy hour at Oxford Circus. That sounds like a plug, but there’s no better atmosphere at 5pm! Then drinks at Aqua if it’s sunny, Cocktail Trading Co and possibly aim for Soho sq. The basement bar at the Tucan pub has the best range of Irish whisky!
JJ Goodman has teamed up with Currys PC World to get you shaking and stirring this summer with its versatile range of small kitchen appliances, available in-store and at