We EAT section?!) but sometimes a cookbook comes along that makes us dig out those pots and pans. Anna Mae’s Mac & Cheese is one of them and it helps that we’ve had their banging street food too. We caught up with the duo behind the brand to get the lowdown on the new book and street food life…
admit we don’t cook all that often (have you seen theHow long have you lived in London, where and why?
We live in Kilburn. We love it because you can get everywhere so easily – the river at Richmond, or Hackney Wick in hardly any time. Plus Kilburn High Road is the source of all things magical – things you never knew existed are available on that street!
How did Anna Mae’s come about?
Through a whim and a prayer. And then a lot of hard graft, blood, sweat and tears! When we started American food was not a big thing beyond burgers and hotdogs in London. We had an idea and some knowledge of Southern food so decided to try it out just before the trend for American food went crazy so luckily for us it was the right place, right time.
Street food is very on trend, what advice would you give to someone wanting to start a stall?
Street food is all about flexibility, don’t be afraid to change your product. We started off selling pulled pork and chili whereas now we’re all about mac n cheese.
You just launched a cookbook (that’s exciting and we fear for our waists!). How did that come about?
We had been thinking we should put something together for a while so when the pulishers approached us and asked us to write a proposal for a Mac N Cheese recipe book we jumped at it. It’s all been a bit of a whirlwind but we had a very clear idea of how we wanted it to be and luckily our publishers were on board with that and worked with us. We’re super happy over how its turned out and it was pretty emotional holding it for the first time, like a little book baby!
Finally, what would your prefect day in London be?
Having nothing to do and nowhere to be is a luxury for us so just cycling in the city with our French Bulldog Albus Honk with the sun would be our idea of heaven. We’d probably travel along the canal from Hackney to Camden through Kings Cross – you get to see London from a whole different view point along there.
See more on the website (AND order the book too!)