Summer Petal & Cycle a flower delivery company with a difference, they arrive via cycles. We catch some words with Richa Bhalla…
has arrived and we’re all about the flora, which is why this week’s LDNER is the founder ofWhere do you live in London and why?
Right now I’m crashing with my sister in Charing Cross. For me: free rent while I get Petal & Cycle up and running, for her: my cooking and cleaning services. She’s a complete star for putting up with me though; I’ve essentially had to turn the flat into a fridge for the flowers!
Tell us more about Petal and Cycle? How did that idea come about
We deliver small doses of the best and the brightest flowers that we can find each day at the market, on ordinary days just like this one to anywhere in Central London in 90 minutes or less. The idea came about when I realised how removed from each other we are in our day-to-day interactions, even with our friends. We all hide behind text messages and social media – nothing too personal, always worried that we might be saying too much or exposing our feelings in some way. But flowers send a real message and can be a much more effective way of communicating. I’m trying to make sending flowers as quick and easy as texting or emailing. We are encouraging our generation to be bold and spontaneous; to make a statement and send a REAL message.
You obviously know your flowers, which ones should we be putting in our windows?
I like to keep things simple. Just one or two different types of flowers will do but they have to be bold and bright. Right now I’ve paired snapdragons and celosia together, as they are in season and part of our current selection. Most of the time I pick random things out from the flower market and experiment for the next collection.
Where’s your favourite place in London to sit amongst the flowers?
St James’ Park. They do an amazing job of updating the flower beds depending on the season (as we aim to do with Petal & Cycle) and it always smells absolutely amazing in there. It’s close by to where I live so when I’m taking a break I often stroll on over for inspiration.
Finally what would your perfect day in London entail?
Sunday is my favourite day and I use it to explore a new part of London each week. I was born and raised here but every day I discover a new nook that I’ve never noticed before, Petal & Cycle has helped me adventure round London too! I love walking come rain or shine so I usually stow away a bottle of wine with a couple of plastic cups (classy, I know) and walk around until I find somewhere amazing to while away the afternoon.
From £28 including delivery