to a close this Sunday is the Jameson Irish Whiskey ‘Sunday Senses’ season at Dalston Roof Park. Going out in style they are dedicating the day with a series of experimental edible treats focused on TASTE. The day will kick off with a feast brought to you by Young British Foodie nominee, The Russet with Jameson inspired, British and European influenced dishes and treats made from local, seasonal ingredients taking your pallet on a journey through five elements of taste; salty, bitter, sour, sweet and umami!Background Bars will be serving up an exclusive Jameson cocktail designed for the Sunday Senses plus Bompass & Parr protégés The Robin Collective will prepare flavoursome surprises such as tripping marshmallows. That’s correct tripping marshmallows…
All this on the rooftop culminating to an evening party led by NTS DJs from 6pm. The first half will only be accessible to ticket holders, which can be purchased from here at £22 (+ £1 booking fee) and includes the dining session…then all can join in for the closing party. Open wide bitches…
We have a pair of tickets to give away to this event, simply hit us up on Twitter or Facebook with ‘Let me fill my face with taste @Jameson_UK Sunday Senses @londontheinside’
We will pick a winner by 6pm today (Friday 13th – lucky for some!)
Jameson’s Sunday Senses
Sun 15th Sept, 3pm – 22pm
Dalston Roof Park,18 Ashwin Street, E8 3DL London