often have you met up with a friend and found out they’d been out for a drink right next to your place, or they visited that new bar you were dying to go to but you ended up staying in and watching Hollyoaks. It all could’ve been avoided. There is a new way to go out people…Meet Drinqsmart, an app designed to make your life easier. Here’s how… You’re in the mood a drink so you pull out your phone and go on to the Drinqsmart app. You select the mood you are in – a quiet pint or maybe you’re up for a big one? Drinqsmart gives recommendations based on the things you choose. So if you wanted somewhere to watch the game you’d be able to see which bars are showing the World Cup and even what team they are backing. Then you can invite like minded people in your social circles, through your phone contacts, those you’ve invited to use the app and even Facebook…you can gather the troops. Plus you don’t have to tell your whole social media network you are going for a quick pint or to watch the game…so you can avoid a text from stinky Pete on why he didn’t get an invite. There’s also the latest deals and current promos so could land a bit of a bargain too. CASHBACK!
Drinqsmart is a the tool that brings everything to your fingertips and is perfect for staying in touch with people that are just round the corner and to have that ‘quick pint’ you always talk about but never manage to get around to. With the chat feature you can have a quick exchange of words and ask Pete for a pint to say sorry for calling him stinky. It’s not just bar recommendations, it’s a quick and easy way to see who’s up for a drink and helps you find what it is you are looking for, a rooftop, killer cocktails, a pint in an old school boozer or somewhere to watch the game.
To show you what we mean we’ve got a load of competitions coming up where you can win worthwhile prizes in some of the best East London venues during the World Cup, all you have to do is download the app to enter. Keep an eye out on our social media for more details. Those that download are automatically entered so get downloading asap. Drinqsmart will make your World Cup.
You might also see Drinqsmart on your travels…they have invaded the streets!
Download the Drinqsmart app from iTunes.