Garage duo, Crocodiles have announced the forthcoming release of their 6th album Dreamless, so we decided to have a quick catch up with Brandon ahead of the release to talk all things music…
Where are you and what have you been up to today?
I’m in my bedroom in my apartment in Cuauhtemoc, Mexico City – a stones throw from the famous Angel de la Indepencia. I woke up a few hours ago, made myself an omelette and am now attending to band business.
Album no. 6 is out later this year, what can we expect and how is it different from the previous? What was the thoughts and feelings behind the curation of this beast?
The biggest difference between this and our earlier work is that this time around we focused much less on the guitars and much more on rhythms, keyboard parts, etc. We tried a lot of flavors on this record; there are some dubby moments, some Latin influenced stuff, a few noisy punky bits. There are even a few moments where we tried to incorporate our love of early hip hop! We didn’t go into the album with any preconcieved ideas. As always, we just wrote a batch of songs and worked through our demos with our producer Martin Thulin to determine which were the ones worth recording. Afterwards we noticed a bit of a bummer theme throughout the lyrics but that wasn’t done intentionally.
6 Albums is no easy feat, you guys are notoriously hard working and are never lazy when it comes to the live shows, what keeps you motivated and moving forward?
This is the only thing we really have in our lives. We didn’t go to college, we don’t have degrees. This isn’t something to bide time before we move on to “real” careers. We are artists and if we weren’t keeping ourselves busy with this we’d probably be drunk in some ditch on the side of the freeway in San Diego.
Some of the lyrics you write are weird as well as wonderful, insane and creepy…but what lyrics from your past records stand out for you on a personal note?
We both share lyric duties – I can pick a few I wrote from each record that I personally like a lot: Soft Skull, All My Hate And My Hexes Are For You, My Surfing Lucifer, Dark Alleys, Cockroach, Me & My Machine Gun, Transylvania, Don’t Look Up. There’s some interesting words, I think, on the new album too.
What music are you currently listening to?