there is an idea behind this video, in short it proves people will do anything as long as they are getting paid. Here’s director Robert Semmer’s explanation of how the video came about; “While lurking in the dark corners of the Internet I became fascinated with those little windows that constantly pop up offering “live adult web chats”. Whether illegally pirating music or looking at leaked photos of naked celebrities, without fail I’d get a visit from a questionably dressed young lady in her basement begging to have some fun on the old PC. I actually started to think about who these people were and what actually happens if you give them your credit card number – aside from the identity theft.I presented these very relevant and important questions to my pals in Howler who instantly agreed the topic needed further exploration. Rough Trade put up some money, my producer put down his credit card, we screened captured everything and now there’s a video for “Told You Once”.
In the end we learned you truly can get people to do whatever you want as long as you have an account number, expiration date, and a three-digit security code.”
FORTHCOMING LIVE DATES with support from Cast of Cheers and Gross Magic;
19th Oct – Old Fire Station, Bournemouth
20th Oct – Thekla, Bristol
21st Oct – Waterfront, Norwich
22nd Oct – HMV Institute Library, Birmingham
24th Oct – Club Academy, Manchester
25th Oct – King Tut’s, Glasgow
26th Oct – Leadmill, Sheffield
27th Oct – Sugarmill, Stoke On Trent
29th Oct – Rescue Rooms, Nottingham
30th Oct – Koko, London
31st Oct – The Haunt, Brighton