only is he a laugh but he can knock up a bloody curry too! Hardeep Singh Kholi TV Presenter and runner up in the first series of Celebrity Masterchef will be hosting The Great British Pub Quiz at The Princess of Wales pub in Primrose Hill on Wednesday 1st May.Join Hardeep who will be slaving away in the kitchen to knock up a three course meal for 70 lucky diners before he takes the mic as your pub quiz host for the rest of the night. A man of many talents don’t you agree. Oh and there will be some specially designed cocktails on offer before during and after The Quiz too to get you well merry. You will need 6 mates and it will cost you £35 per person.
To reserve a table email or call 020 7722 0354 you’ll need leave a deposit. Heads up the pub is a favourite celeb haunt so keep your eye out word is if your lucky you could get a glimpse of the big Davy Walliams!
Wed 1st May, 7:30pm
22 Chalcot Road, NW1 8LL