Hackney’s Netil 360 and Night Tales Loft Are Under Threat

A proposed residential development is putting the venues at risk of closure

Following the news that MOTH Club is at risk thanks to plans to develop flats on Morning Lane, two more Hackney venues have announced that they’re facing a similar fate. Rooftop bar Netil 360 and cocktail bar NTs Loft, both inside Netil House, have said that the proposed development of a six-storey block of luxury flats (with 19 of the 38 flats designated as “affordable”) on the corner of Bocking Street and Mare Street could cause the venues to close.

In an Instagram post, both businesses stated that “The development will put two on East London’s hallmark venues at risk, as well as the longterm locals who’ll have a six story building towering over their homes….The flats will overlook the terrace and smoking area of NT’s Loft, as well as tower over Netil 360, our open air rooftop venue whose very essence is the view over London.”

Netil 360 is one of the most popular rooftop bars in London but the owners would consider closing the venue if the flats were built as guests would be looking into the new homes rather than enjoying the views over the city. Having flats so close to both bars would also result in an increase in noise complaints, which would affect their ability to operate. An increase in traffic and pollution, questions over the affordability of some of the residences, and a limited amount of time given for public consultation have also been highlighted as reasons to object to the development.

It’s not just the two bars that are objecting to the proposals. Local groups are concerned about the impact the development would have on the low-rise housing on the Beck Road conservation area, with St Joseph’s Hospice also citing the blocking of natural light and increased noise pollution as arguments against the proposal.

The planning application is currently with Hackney Council, and Netil 360 and NT’s Loft urging people to oppose the development and campaign to save the venues by using this email.

Key Information

Address | 1 Westgate Street, London E8 3RL
For more information | @netil360
