Last Grey Goose Iconoclasts of Taste project and the hunt for the new generation of ‘Emerging Iconoclasts’ as chosen by the ?Established Iconoclasts’ Tony Congliaro Nuno Mendes, Giles Deacon and Carrie Scot. Need to refresh your brain then check out the post and Tony’s video here.
week we told you about theWell now the three ‘Emerging Iconoclasts’ have been selected and it’s up to you guys to pledge your support for the one you believe in most! We’re currently backing Tasha Marks whose vision is to challenge the way we perceive food by presenting it as art, oh and did we mention she specialises in decadent desserts and started her career with Bompass and Parr – what’s not to like?
Tasha’s edible art is inspired by different periods in history and through her company Animal Vegetable Mineral, seeks to create “a moment of wonder, a contemporary cabinet of curiosity that is silly and cerebral in equal measures.” Next month Tasha will host an edible art class, featuring lickable life drawing (ooo er misses!) and edible paint by numbers served up alongside Grey Goose cocktails. This is one kind of art we can fully appreciate! Attending the class is just one way to show your support, for the other ways you can get behind your favourite ‘Emerging Iconoclasts’ of taste including future events check out the website.
Who knew we could be so interested in the bible, well when it comes in the form of biblical chocolate it’s hard not to be…
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