LondOntheInside were lucky enough to bag two free tickets to the Jameson Cult Film Club tonight (Thursday March 4th). The club starts at 7pm sharp in a planned quarantined area surrounding the Royal College of Surgeons – sounds scary no?
As well as a unique screening of the film Monsters guests will also have the chance to speak to Bafta nominated director, Gareth Edwards and recieve two complimentary drinks. Plus don’t forget to “check in” on facebook for some ‘Bartering Kits’ which will help you survive the ‘infected zone’.
Sounds amazaballs and we want you to have our tickets, because well we’re nice like that. Oh yeah and it’s sold out so this is your only way in. To win follow us and tweet your favourite monster of all time (mentioning @LondOntheInside) or leave us a facebook comment. In case you wondered ours is the Big Green Giant, you know the one of the sweetcorn tins?
Good Luck little ones – The winner will be announced at 2pm sharp!!