Free nana down a flight of stairs for. Combine the two and what have you got…no, not unorganised chaos in small towns but gourmet pizza masterclasses….
Beer and free Pizza, two things people will genuinely push theirFollowing a successful set of classes last year, Birra Moretti will once again hit London locations this summer to dish out free pizza masterclasses, guided by Italian chef Giancarlo Caldesi and free cold beers to you lucky Londoners. You’ll find them at Islington Green, Tavistock Square and Potters Field Park.
If you’d rather not get your hands dirty you can opt to purchase a pizza and a beer from the pop up pizzeria which will be at each of the locations. There will be two sessions per day, the first from 12-2.20pm and again at 4.30-7.30pm.
To book your free place hit up facebook on Wed 6th June at noon sharp, because free pizza + free beer = bonus!
14th June & 15th June, Islington Green
21st June & 22nd June, Tavistock Square
28th June & 29th June, Potters Fields Park