has gone Brazilian crazy this summer with the world cup…and guess what, it’s ruddy bloody awesome. London Fields Brewery and Feast In The Fields give us another dose with their one day carnival, Fiesta In The Fields which takes over The Brewhouse next weekend. Bringing more live screened world cup action, South American street food with Cachaça Shack, Hell’s Grill BBQ and The Tasting Room along with Brazilian-inspired cocktails from The Rum Stop and The Pimms Bar.It’s all South American flavours and samba beats as the world cup clashes with street food and booze, there’s also face painting, flags & blow-football for the kids…and probably some adults! Tickets cost £4.
Get Tickets
Sat 28th June 2014, 12pm
The Brewhouse at London Fields Brewery, Railway Arches 369-370, Helmsley