field day moves to tottenham

After swapping Vicky Park for Brockwell Park this summer, Field Day is on the move again with a new location for the 2019 fest. They’re going back across the river and setting up shop in Meridian Water by Tottenham Marshes. An old gas works, the site has a massive ten-acre outdoor space as well as four giant interlinked warehouses, one of which boasts a capacity of 7500. The new location means Field Day will be able to go on later than any other festival in the city and will give them room to put on their largest ever-line up. Whilst it’s a bit out of the way, they’ve got a lot of cool spaces to work with here so if they can nail the programming and the production, Field Day 2019 could be something special.

Pre-sale tickets go on sale on 23rd November and you can bet we’ll be bringing you line-up deets when we have them.

Fri 7th & Sat 8th June 2019
Meridian Water London
