London based gal band MARINE’s debut EP1 is due to be launched on 25th February at The Macbeth, London. Fitting with how they address their fans as mermaids, the marine theme is reflected in their beautiful shimmering EP. With a stunning simplicity, rhythm and passion throughout the songs there remains a haunting darkness of shattering drums, melancholia and opera-like vocals like the crashing of waves – both mesmerising and gorgeous like Anthony and the Johnsons.
Opening track Kraken is more upbeat and radio-friendly with slightly anonymous and bizarre lyrics. The abstract lyrics suit the unusual style of MARINE with their contrasting tranquil and mystical sections in each song gently nudging you from feeling calm to powerful to even on edge at points.
Selkie is a swinging pendulum of emotion with strong stunning operatic vocals in-between bed-time story-like whispers. Anima is soulful and sassy ‘we are made of stronger stuff than you’… ‘in our dreams we conquer you’. A really beautiful arrangement of echoing guitars and seductive symbols take it from a sultry start to a really strong and even downright scary beating of a finale.
Werewolf excellently executes upbeat harmonies a la Peggy Sue with a more recognizable song structure and style as a contender for most catchy. M A R I N E aren’t out to please you with 3 minute shiny pop songs that’s for sure but they can definitely appeal to any of Laura Marling’s audience who stuck past her first album as they have a similar beautiful yet haunting sound.