know that dish you always wanted to eat next door? The one you saw through the window? Cooling on the side for dinner NOT the hot son who visits every weekend – cheeky, cheeky! Well now you can with Dish Next Door, a new website which gives passionate home cooks the chance to sell their delights to hungry locals (and noisy neighbours!).Founded by Joel, Bob and Aga and inspired by Joel’s mums home cooked curries, Dish Next Door launched in Stokey – well it would, wouldn’t it – and in the near future, will look to expand further North and East. They’ve already got over 30 cooks on the books taking orders for hearty Shepherds Pie’s through to North Indian Curries to Vegan and Veggie plates. Dishes range from £6 – £9.
We know what you’re all thinking, worried about dirty kitchen tops and out of date meat? Stop right there! DND is all about hygiene and food standards. Every cook passes a hygiene test complying with UK Law and Food Standards Agency guidelines. Also, no sweat for you eco experts, bio degradable packaging is supplied! Gone are the days of greasy fried chicken shamefully picked up on your way home, time to tuck in to plenty of home cooked goodness! Now mum, who said when we moved out we wouldn’t get meals as good as yours? Huh?