you rate yourself as a food or drink connoisseur? I bet you know someone who thinks they are, babbling at the table on how the wine was ‘crisp and fruity’ or how the restaurant they went to last night ‘fell short of the mark on the crispy duck’…well why not point them this way and put them to the test?Sharp’s brewery have teamed up with a selection of chefs to launch the new Connoisseurs Choice beers. Each chef has been tasked with creating a dish to compliment one of the ales. Your challenge, if you accept is to create your own complimentary dish to go with one of the beers. Once you’ve perfected the recipe fire over your creation on their facebook app and the top 3 as chosen by the chefs will be invited to a cook off in Cornwall on 3rd October. The winner will then bag all of the below and everyone who enters also gets 50% discount on initial Connoisseurs Choice order and 10% discount at Sharp’s online shop.
An afternoon of private one-to-one-tuition with one of our expert Connoisseurs chefs
A meal for two at your appointed mentor chef’s flagship restaurant.
One case of each of the 2012 Connoisseurs Choice beers.
Exclusive first tastes of any new Sharp’s beers released during your reign.
A private tour of Sharp’s Brewery plus beer tasting session.
50% discount on initial Connoisseurs Choice order.*
10% discount at Sharp’s online shop in 2012.
*While stocks last
What’s more we’ve managed to bag 3 of the ales to give away to one lucky reader. All you need to do is tell us on facebook or twitter which one you want to try and we’ll select a winner on Friday 14th September at noon sharp! Go get em chefs…