Social enterprise Brixton People’s Kitchen is launching an all-female supper club series and you’re invited. Well-Seasoned, running in Brockwell Park for three consecutive nights as part of the Brockwell Bounce festival, will feature three female chefs cooking three different menus – MasterChef quarter-finalist Yui Miles, Dine with Dina aka Dina Macki and Safiya Robinson founder of Sisterwoman Vegan. Tickets for each supper club cost £55 per person, including a two-course menu (with veggie and vegan options) and a glass of wine, and all proceeds will go towards funding Brixton People’s Kitchen and its work providing access to diverse, healthy and affordable food.
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Mon 30th May 2022 | Tickets for Yui Miles
Tues 31st May 2022 | Tickets for Dine with Dina
Weds 1st June 2022 | Tickets for Safiya Robinson
Brockwell Park Gardens, London, SE24 0NG