Bete Noire…or if, like us, you ne parl pas de Francais ‘Black Beast’ – you dirty big post-punk, er, thing. This five-piece London group’s debut single ‘Shut Up’ is by turns menacing and melancholy then melodic and manthemic. What do you mean ‘manthemic’ isn’t a word? Durrr, it means anthems for men. Bete Noire also up their punk credentials for having a proper grainy sounding demo, like back in the day, authentic 80s style.Bete Noire are opening the show at our event on the 3rd August at the Queen of Hoxton for an evennign full of top bands and sexy DJ’s along with our co host Snap Crackle and Pop, for more info see here and keep an eye out for secret headliners which will be announced soon. Disco!