In What Made LOTI 2015‘ in features, we’ve had some pretty epic things play out on Twitter. You might have seen, oh the the laughs, the gifs, the word play, the news and views from all things London and beyond. Here we look back at the top ten LOTI Tweets of the year…
the same vein as our ‘The @MagnumUK Pleasure Store is now open in Covent Garden with 18 toppings to dance with
— London on the inside (@LondONtheinside) July 9, 2015
Last chance! Wanna win a holiday? Oh yes, we've got an all expenses paid trip to Riga with @Sibberi up for grabs
— London on the inside (@LondONtheinside) August 3, 2015
Happy 20th Birthday eBay! Cake spotted on the Thames, follow it along the river! #eBay20 #London
— London on the inside (@LondONtheinside) September 10, 2015
When you wake up and think it's Saturday only to realise it's Friday…
— London on the inside (@LondONtheinside) August 14, 2015
— London on the inside (@LondONtheinside) November 14, 2015
Never skip breakfast… #guyfawkes
— London on the inside (@LondONtheinside) November 5, 2015
Did somebody say…CARNIVAL this weekend??? #NOTTINGHILLCARNIVAL
— London on the inside (@LondONtheinside) August 28, 2015
ALERT RT to #win 5 VIP tickets @L_W_E Summer in the City this Saturday from our mates @JoseCuervoUK closes noon Fri
— London on the inside (@LondONtheinside) August 6, 2015
We know it's been tough getting to work today so here's a Wallaby cuddling a teddy bear to ease the pain #tubestrike
— London on the inside (@LondONtheinside) August 6, 2015
AMAZING pics of #NottingHillCarnival all over Instagram! ???
— London on the inside (@LondONtheinside) August 31, 2015